
Hotel Paradise in Bologna

Hotel Paradise is strategically situated right the warm and welcoming city City Center of Bologna. The Hotel Paradise is a 3 star hotel, ideal location for job or leisure traveller coming in Bologna.

The proximity to Bologna Central Station and the beautiuil Piazza Maggiore make it the ideal location for those who have mor for job, but groups and families with children are always welcome in our hotel: large and spaciuous rooms or small and cozy apartments with "cooking" corner  could be perfect for holidays in Bologna


The network stories

  • D for Desire

    D for Desire The Right Choice “…First seek the Kingdom of God, then everything else will be given.” The king of a small peaceful kingdom decided that the time had come for him to take a wife. His choice came down to four princesses, each more beautiful and famous than the last. Wanting to make

  • K for Kaleidoscope

    K for Kaleidoscope Once upon a time there was a village where all the inhabitants were blind. One day a foreign prince who was passing through the land stopped his convoy in front of the walls of this village. 

  • Practice random acts of kindness and charity for the beauty of it

    This “secret slogan” is becoming ever so popular in the United States.  It is a cold winter day in San Francisco.


  • Bike without borders
    8 e 9 febbraio 2014 bici senza frontiere a bologna

    The next 8th and 9th of February 2014, Bike without borders will give color to city of Bologna:

  • Winter Sale

    Winter Sale.  After Christmas and New Year now we are waiting the the winter sales , which in Bologna will start January 4,

  • Hotel Paradise supports the Afghan mothers with the Pangea Foundation.

    Hotel Paradise supports the Afghan mothers with the Pangea Foundation. How can we help an afghan mother? It is enough to spend a weekend in the beautiful city of Bologna.

Hotel Paradise

Vicolo Cattani 7
40126 Bologna


Fondazione Pangea Onlus